


There is a Daily Assignment Planner that goes between home and school each day.  Students will write their assignments in the planner initialed by parents once completed.  Any work that is not completed at school has the expectation to be completed at home and handed in at the beginning of the next day.

3rd Grade students should be doing about 30 minutes of homework each evening.  Please include the following in your general homework time:

Monday Homework to Return

  • Math Weekly Worksheet
    • To be done with parent
    • Signed by parent
    • Due the first day of the next week
  • Cursive worksheet that has two sides
    • Due Thursday


Daily Homework to Return

  • Homework side of Spelling Worksheet
  • Textbook questions of that day’s Reading Mastery 3 Chapter.
    • Textbook questions are answered in Literature Notebook.
    • The workbook is often completed in class.  It is homework if something shortens the lesson such as ERB testing or a fire drill.
  • Math Homework – either worksheet or workbook
  • Any unfinished classwork will be written in planner
    • Example: writing assignments


Daily Homework Without Something to Return

  • 20 minutes oral reading - Besides the 30 minutes of homework, please have students read orally to an adult for 20 minutes each day.  Feel free to use some of this time to read to your child, but great progress is made when students have a listening ear and friendly help as they navigate through more challenging chapter books.
    • Read out loud that day’s Chapter from the Reading Mastery 3 textbook
    • This should be along side an adult who can correct errors
    • If that takes less than 20 minutes, any other chapter book can finish that time
  • Practice spelling words for spelling test
  • Study Latin vocabulary
  • Memorize assigned poetry
  • Studying for History / Science tests
  • Math Facts: Students are expected to spend 5 minutes daily practicing Math facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
    • You can play “War” with playing cards by multiplying, adding, or subtracting the two cards flipped.  The first person (rather than the biggest card) to say the correct answer gets the cards.  If it’s a tie, then you have the war.  Take out face cards or assign them values (example: jacks are worth 11).
    • Websites like this one can help create flashcards at home: http://www.aplusmath.com/flashcards/Flashcard_Creator.html
    • “Moose” multiplication is a two person game.  On the count of three, each person will make moose antlers behind his/her head using his/her hands.  Each person may hold up any number of finger, 0-10.  The object is to see who can first discover the 2 numbers being made by the antlers, then multiply to get the answer.
    • Skip count, reciting and writing multiples.  Don’t just do 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.  Try 3’s and 4’s or even 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s.  Use a 100 number chart, have your child color each of the multiples a different color.  You can progress to counting all over the place.  Do it while jumping rope or shooting hoops to keep track of your score.  Do it on long car trips to see who can do it the fastest while still being correct.  Turn it into an odd dance where each number has a different movement.
    • Play “Double, double, toil, and trouble”.  This is a way to practice the multiplication facts of four: say a number, have the child double the number and then double that number.  This is a trick for multiplying by four.  Example: 4x8 can be done by doubling the 8 to get 16; then double the 16 to get 32.  Double, double (toil and trouble).